Why are inspections being conducted?
The Navy is required to conduct an inspection of PPV Unaccompanied Housing (UH) through a third-party contractor pursuant to mandates in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Years (FY) 2020, Section 3051. The goal of these inspections is to provide the Navy with information on the condition of PPV UH housing across its United States (U.S.) installations to ensure that service members have safe, quality housing. Inspections will evaluate life/health/safety (LHS) deficiencies, appraise the condition of each home, and assess their general structural integrity and habitability. The results of these inspections will help protect tenants from health hazards and provide an assessment on the safety of their homes that is independent of the Housing Service Center (HSC).
Who are conducting the inspections and are they qualified?
The Navy has hired Jacobs/HDR, a Joint Venture (J/HDR JV) to conduct these third-party inspections of PPV UH housing. The inspections will be performed by two-person teams who are certified home inspectors, graduate engineers or architects, or professional engineers or architects. All inspectors undergo rigorous field training. Each inspector will identify themselves with a photo badge and cleared through the Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS), which entails a criminal background check.
What does the inspection include?
Inspectors will investigate unit interiors, building systems, bedrooms, kitchens, living areas, government furnished appliances, and other improvements. The inspections consist only of the property, systems and components that are easily visible and readily accessible. A series of photographs may be taken to document areas within the unit and items of special note that are in good, fair, or poor condition.
What is involved in the inspection process?
There will be two-person inspection teams evaluating each unit. When the inspectors arrive, they will examine the unit utilizing a tablet to record their findings. Once they have completed the inspection, a report will be uploaded into a database and compiled for submission to CNIC and the HSC.
Are the inspections mandatory?
Inspections are mandatory pursuant to Section 3051 of the FY2020 NDAA, Public Law Number (No.) 116-283.
When will inspections take place?
Inspections will begin in October 2024 and last until April 2025. Inspections will only be scheduled Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and will not take place on weekends or holidays.
How long is the inspection?
The inspection will take approximately 30-40 minutes.
Will tenants be notified of the specific date/time of the inspection?
Yes, the local PPV/HSC will provide several notices to tenants in advance of their scheduled inspection.
- Tenants will receive two email notifications, the first will be 2 to 3 weeks prior to their scheduled inspection. The second will be 1 week prior to inspection.
- Inspectors will also provide tenants with a 48-hour advance reminder prior to inspection via a door hanger on their unit. Tenants can check the schedule of all homes to be inspected on this website.
Is a tenant required to be home?
Tenants are encouraged, but not required, to be home for the inspection. Key access authorizations are coordinated with the Project company POC prior to the date of the inspection. For all authorized key access inspections, the inspector will be accompanied by a government representative or PPV representative.
What information will be shared with the tenant after the inspection?
Tenants can contact their HSC, which serves as the tenant’s primary POC, for any available information once the inspection process is complete. Issues identified during the inspections will be accounted for in reports that are submitted to the HSC. For any findings that are deemed an emergency or represent Life, Health, and Safety concerns, the inspector is required to notify the HSC immediately so it can be reported to the installation and mitigated expeditiously. The HSC will contact the installation, which will follow proper protocols by placing emergency or urgent work orders and following up with the tenant.
Can the inspection be rescheduled?
Yes. Rescheduling can be accomplished by notifying the Jacobs/HDR JV team point of contact (POC), who can be located by selecting your installation on this website.